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With the development of modern technologies, people are getting used to comforts and devices, making our life easier and more comfortable. There is nothing strange about it, because easier living let us enjoy our lives at full. We don’t have to spend hours, washing our cloths, because washing machine will do the washing for us. We don’t have to chop wood and fire our fireplaces to warm our houses and cook meals – central heating and generators will do it for us. We don’t have to fish or hunt in to feed ourselves – we can buy food in marts and groceries. Everything is done for us to feel comfortable and fed up. All we have to do is to earn money and to pay for all these comforts. However, earning money seems to be even more difficult than hunting or fishing. Taking into account economic crisis of the last three years, it is difficult to predict what is waiting for us in the future. The best professionals all over the world lose their jobs every day and have to borrow money to keep their families. We are not confident about the future, so how can we enjoy all these expensive comforts offered to us? It is senseless and all…

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Credit Cards Aspects

By Leigh